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Ayurveda: The Philosophy, Importance of Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and Dosha Cycles

Ayurveda: The Philosophy, Importance of Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and Dosha Cycles

Ayurveda: The Philosophy, Importance of Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and Dosha Cycles

Ayurveda, a holistic science of health, focuses on maintaining a physically and emotionally balanced state. It is called the “science or knowledge of life”, deriving from experiences collected over the past 5000-6000 years.

Ayurveda treats every individual as a unique entity and believes that diet or lifestyle routines are unique for each individual. Focused on prevention rather than cure, Ayurveda provides holistic advice and guidance to maintain physical and emotional health. Ayerveda believes that understanding and inculcating a lifestyle routine, that embodies the curative and replenishing powers of food, meditation and mindfulness, should be the ultimate goal.

Ayurveda: Importance of Doshas.

Ayurveda is based on the principles of three doshas. Doshas are the 3 energies that govern the body; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

1. Vata Dosha — Energy that controls bodily functions associated with motion, including blood circulation, breathing, blinking, and your heartbeat.

2. Pitta Dosha — Energy that controls the body’s metabolic systems, including digestion, absorption, nutrition and your body’s temperature.

3. Kapha Dosha — Energy that controls growth in the body. It supplies water to all body parts, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the immune system.

Ayurveda asserts that “When we function in accordance with nature, we will function at our best”. The knowledge, of what energies are strongest at specific times of the day, will help orient ourselves with the flow of those energies, in order to achieve the perfect mind, body and soul balance.

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Top 16 Health Benefits Of Avocados



1. Contains Healthy Fats: Oleic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid, is considered to be a “good fat” which reduces levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol in your blood, spikes the good (HDL) cholesterol, and lowers your risk of stroke and heart disease.

2. Aids Weight Loss: Your body treats monounsaturated fatty acids as a “slow burning energy” source, ensuring it isn’t tucked away as fat. This slowing ensures satiety, reducing hunger and appetite. It is high in healthy fats and less in processed carbs, making it ideal in a weight loss diet.

3. For Cardiovascular Health: Vitamin E prevents cholesterol oxidization; vitamin B6 and folic acid reduce dangerous homocystenine levels in the blood; potassium regulates blood pressure; phytosterols reduce cholesterol absorption; dietary fibre controls blood sugar levels; Monounsaturated oleic acid and beta-sitosterol reduce dangerous LDL cholesterol while increasing more beneficial HDL cholesterol.

4. Anti- Cancer: Avocados contain a potent mix of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients, phytochemicals, and oleic acid, which help inhibit the growth of cancer cells affecting the breast, mouth, skin, and prostate gland. Avocado selectively spikes the oxidative stress, of cancerous cells, to extreme fatal levels, while supplying antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients to non-cancerous normal cells.

5. Anti-Inflammatory: Inflammation is considered the root cause for most non-contagious diseases. Avocados have an abundance of anti-inflammatory agents like plant phytonutrient, polyphenols, and flavonoids that prevent osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

6. For Eye Health: AvocadoS contains the wonder carotenoid leutein, an antioxidant which prevents oxidative stress damage, the primary reason for poor vision, cataracts, and age related macular degeneration (ARMD).

7. Fights Diabetes: Avocados’ low glycemic index keeps high triglyceride levels in check, and its highly soluble fiber can reverse insulin resistance (Type2 Diabetes). Its 7-carbon sugars helps regulate the way blood sugar (glucose) is metabolized, by blocking activity of an enzyme called hexokinase, and changing the level of activity through a metabolic pathway called glycolysis.

8. Rich in Folate: Folate, a water-soluble B vitamin, is critical during periods of rapid cell division and growth, such as infancy and pregnancy, preventing birth defects, such as neural tube and spina bifida. Folate is also essential for healthy cell and tissue development and metabolism of homocysteine and helps maintain normal levels of this amino acid. The high levels of folate in avocados also protect against stroke.

9. Immunity Booster: The master antioxidant glutathione supports the liver and the nervous system. It is responsible for replenishing and recycling other antioxidants in the body. The glutathione in avocado boosts immune systems, slows aging process, and encourages a healthy nervous system.

10. Settles Digestive Function: Nutrients and enzymes in avocado reduce inflammation in the stomach and small intestine’s mucous lining, improving the body’s ability to absorb carotenoids, including beta carotene and lycopene, and other vital nutrients.

11. Skin Care: The monounsaturated fats (Omega-9) in avocado protect your skin from wrinkles and other visible signs of aging and also treat psoriasis. Vitamin E helps guard against photo-aging from sun exposure and vitamin C is crucial in creation of elastin and collagen, for maintaining your skin’s elasticity and firmness.

12. Against Alzheimer’s disease: Folate prevents formation of tangled nerve fibers, a condition normally associated with Alzheimer’s. Avocados combine brain healthy omega-3 fatty acids with natural vitamin E, preventing the progression and reversal of Alzheimer’s disease in its earliest stages.

13. Treats Halitosis: Avocados has long been used as a natural and effective mouth wash and in most bad breath remedies. Its insoluble fibers cleanse the colon and digestive tracts, which are the real cause of coated tongue and bad breath.

14. Abundant in Vitamins: Avocados are an excellent source of vitamin K, Vitamin B9, B6, B5, vitamin C, vitamin E, and minerals like copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. B-vitamins assist in body’s metabolism, vitamin K nourishes the skeletal (bone) framework, and Vitamin E takes care of the eye, avoiding conditions like retinopathy.

15. Dietary Fiber Source: Source of both insoluble and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber stimulates efficient bowel movements eliminating constipation and colorectal cancer. Soluble fiber turns into a gel, which increases satiety, acts as a slow energy source, and controls appetite.

16. Aids Nutrient absorption: Avocados, when included in salads, increase the absorption of carotenoids (a group of nutrients that includes beta carotene and lycopene) by about 200%.

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Yoga for Kids – 5 Simple Poses to Start With

Yoga for Kids

Yoga for Kids

Yoga is one of the most preferred, revered and safe forms of physical activity that can be done by both adults and children. Besides, practicing yoga with your kin is one of the many ways you can work out together and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Below are five yoga poses that are appropriate for children of all ages;

Butterfly Pose  (Badhakonasana)

Butterfly Pose

Butterfly Pose

The butterfly pose is a brilliant pose which makes it possible for children to make use of their imagination. The pose enables your young one to better stretch the spine and legs.

Sunrise/Sunset Sequence

Sunrise/Sunset Sequence

Sunrise/Sunset Sequence

The poses entail a combination pose of the big toe pose and the upward salute. This is a pose that is more appealing to your younger kin as the pose (sunrise/sunset) will see them imitating the sun rising and falling through body motions.   The yoga pose is a structured two pose sequence one that needs to be performed for at-least ten times. You should begin with the sunrise pose (upward salute) and afterwards the big toe pose (sunset) which requires the child to bend forward.

Gorilla  Pose ( Padahastasana)

Gorilla  Pose ( Padahastasana)

Gorilla Pose ( Padahastasana)

The gorilla pose is a name given to help you child assume the wide-legged forward bend. Fortunately, the pose can be held in place. However, in most instances, the children will enjoy swimming back and forth on the waste as they go into full gorilla mode.
This is a perfect pose that helps your children put their minds at ease. The gorilla pose also eliminates back pain.

Tree Pose (Vriksasana)

Tree Pose

Tree Pose

This is a pose that needs optimum balancing. To have your children better perform this pose, you should ask them with authority to have their eyes trailed on one of the objects to eliminate any chances of a fall.   The tree pose is one of the greatest poses that help children learn self-control. The pose will help your children improve both their strength and balance.

Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

Fish Pose

Fish Pose

This is one of the most fun yoga pose loved by children of all ages. The pose is enjoyable and the children will not be aware that the pose helps them strengthen their neck muscles and upper back.  The yoga position provides your child with a perfect posture and your children will be fully stretched


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1. Relieves Diarrhea & Dysentery: Astringents, in guava, are alkaline in nature and have disinfectant and anti-bacterial properties, inhibiting microbial growth and removing extra mucus from the intestines. Other nutrients such as vitamin-C, Carotenoids and potassium, strengthen and tone the digestive system.
2. Eye Care: Vitamin A or Retinol slows down the appearance of cataracts, macular degeneration, and prevents degradation of eyesight and night blindness.
3. Brain Health: Guavas contain Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6 (niacin and pyridoxine), which helps in improving blood circulation to the brain, relaxing your nerves and stimulating cognitive function.
4. Regulates thyroid: Guavas contain the trace element Copper which regulates thyroid metabolism, helping to control hormone production and absorption.
5. Diabetics cure: Rich in fibre and with a low glycaemic index, guavas, help to regulate the absorption of sugar by the body and can be consumed for prevention and cure of Type 2 diabetes.
6. Effective Laxative: Constipation is caused when food is stuck in our colon. Guava, super rich in fibre, aids the body in retaining water and thoroughly cleaning your intestines and excretory system.
7. Nervous Relaxant: Guava is rich in magnesium which acts as a nervous relaxant. It helps to relax muscles and nerves of the body.
8. For pregnant mothers: Guavas contain Folic acid, or Vitamin B-9, which is recommended for pregnant mothers since it can help in developing the foetus’s nervous system and protect the newborn from neurological disorders.
9. For Fertility: Guavas contain good amount of Folate which help promote fertility in humans.
10. Speeds Absorption: Being rich in Manganese, Guavas help the body in quick absorption of key nutrients like biotin, vitamins, minerals from the food that we eat.
11. Immunity Booster: Vitamin C provides a huge boost in antioxidants, which are the major lines of defense against the proliferation of free radicals in the body.
12. Infection Control: Relieves coughs and colds by reducing mucus, disinfecting the respiratory tract, throat and lungs, and inhibiting microbial activity with its astringent properties.
13. Aids Weight loss: Guava is very rich in vitamins, proteins, fibre and minerals and has no cholesterol and a very low number of digestible carbohydrates.
14. Cancer Cure: Being rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants like Lycopene, eating guavas can protect your cells from damage and reduce chances of prostate, breast, and oral cancers.
15. Skin Care: Vitamins, minerals and nutrients, in conjunction with Guava’s astringent property, help keep your skin toned, hydrated, improves elasticity, removes blemishes, acne, dark spots, blackheads, wrinkles and pimples.
16. Scurvy Buster: A deficiency of vitamin-C can cause scurvy, and proper intake of super vitamin-C rich guavas are the best remedy for this dangerous disease.
17. Anti-aging: Guavas are rich in Vitamin A, B, C and potassium which are good antioxidants and detoxifiers. Lycopene and carotene protect the healthy cells from toxins and UV rays rendering your skin wrinkles free.
18. Blood pressure Stabilizer: Potassium in Guava helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevents it from thickening, thereby maintaining the fluidity of blood and reducing blood pressure.
19. Combats Hair Loss: Rich in vitamin C, guava helps promote healthy hair growth. It also helps in combating hair loss problems.
20. Oral Care: The juice of guava leaves has been known to cure toothaches, swollen gums & oral ulcers, and the juice speeds up the healing process of wounds when applied externally.

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Top 6 Foods To Aid Concentration

Top 6 Foods To Aid Concentration

Top 6 Foods To Aid Concentration

1. Any foods high in omega 3, such as oily fish (salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines), flax seeds and walnuts are great for improving concentration and motivation as they improve cognitive function, which means they help with the brains ability to think and process. They are also anti-inflammatory, so they keep cells functioning optimally which help the brain function well also.

2. Any foods high in antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E ) such as fruits (especially berries and tomatoes) and vegetables (especially cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli) are beneficial. These may help with blood flow to the brain, which will supply the brain cells with more oxygen and again these are anti-inflammatory, so they help the brain function optimally.

3. Moderate amounts of caffeine are good for concentration and motivation. Green tea and dark chocolate are the best sources, as these contain specific anti-oxidants called polyphenols that improve brain function and decrease cell death. Caffeine is good when you need an instant boost, but try not to rely on this all the time, as an excessive intake will have the opposite effect.

4. Any foods such as ripe bananas (look out for brown spots on the skin) or sunflower seeds are high in dopamine – a brain chemical involved in increasing motivation and concentration. Caffeine also helps to increase dopamine levels.

5. Foods high in vitamins B6 and B12 are good for memory and concentration, as these improve cognitive functioning of the brain and also prevent diseases like alzheimers and dementia, as they protect the brain from nerve damage from a chemical called homocysteine involved in the development of these diseases. Foods such as fish, meat, whole grains, eggs and nuts are high in B6 and eggs, fish, meat dairy and seaweed are high in B12.

6. Foods high in fibre such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans are great for concentration and motivation. The reason for this is because they help to sustain a regular level of energy, because they keep blood sugar levels stable. This means the brain cells and all other cells in the body are receiving enough energy to function optimally.

How important the role of food is in our concentration/motivation levels- 

The role of food in helping maintain optimal concentration and motivation is paramount, as any deficiencies, or even sub-optimal levels of the essential vitamins and minerals in the diet may have an effect on the brains ability to function properly. It may also play a role in any medical conditions that could develop that have an impact on the brain or mental health in general, which would impact ones daily performance greatly.

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Health Benefits for Spinach

Health Benefits of Spinach

Health Benefits of Spinach

Spinach is cool, mild, relishing, causes the formation of urine. It activates the intestine. It is also beneficial in the diseases and eliminates the excessive bile in the body. It also eliminates the excessive formation of bile and phlegmin the body, purifies the blood. It cures stone and strengthens the bone. Vegetable prepared from spinach leaves gives strength and keeps away diseases. The juice extracted from the leaves of spinach melts the stones formed in the kidney and the fragmented stones come out through urine.

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Goodnight! 6 Easy Ways to Sleep Well

Goodnight! 6 Easy Ways to Sleep Well

Goodnight! 6 Easy Ways to Sleep Well

An average adult needs about 7-8 hours of sleep per day, children need about 9-11 hours based on the age and activity. Close to 1/3rd of our life is spent in sleep and most of growth and bodily functions take place while we are asleep. Yet, most of us take it as an after thought or something that doesnt need any attention. We couldn’t be further from the truth. Close to 50 Million people in US alone suffer from some kind of Sleep disorder or sleep apnea, which basically involves not just the quantity of sleep but the quality as well. Nearly 30% of US population has suffered from insomnia in last 2 years.  While, you should try and make changes to your lifestyle to be able to get the necessary bed time, below are 5 simple ways you can improve the overall quality of your sleep.

  1. Avoid Caffeine (Coffee, Alcohol, Tea, etc) 90 minutes before the bed time.  Caffeine is known to stimulate adrenal glands, which are responsible for making your mind and body extra active, which is absolutely not what you need to feel sleepy.
  2. Avoid Digital Screens like TV or your computers, just before going to sleep. Bright visual images from LCD and LED screens leave unwanted and unnecessary data stimulation for your brain to process and waste time on. A Good movie or a TV show can be very stimulating and enriching but dont mix it up with your sleep. Get over with it, with at least 20 minutes before you hit the bed.
  3. Avoid working from your Bed. You and everyone of us understand the importance of work, but keep it away from bed at all costs. Just like how bad it is to fall asleep on your desk at workplace, bringing your work on your bed is equally bad, if not worse. Maintain the Sanctity of your bed.
  4. Invest in a comfortable bed / mattress. Comfort doesnt necessarily mean expensive. Just a moderately firm yet soft mattress that your body can adjust to is good enough. You spend 1/3rd of your life on the bed. Why not give it the importance it deserves. Nothing can be worse than fighting with the old, uneven, tattered mattress. Believe me, you cant win ever.
  5. Exercise. Yeah for those who don’t do it regularly, this can come as not-so-easy option. But it is extremely beneficial and very effective. Yoga has shown to have tremendous impact on people suffering from insomnia. When your body is tired, it will fend of all the signals and games that mind wants to play and force it to shut down, just what doctor orders for a good sleep.
  6. Meditation. It doesnt need to be the ultimate life calling or following any spiritual visions. It could just be sitting idle and relaxed. Mindful and aware for a few minutes in a day. Gradually training your mind to be passive, which means being aware but non-participating in thoughts, you can gain tremendously in the department of controlling your anxiety and stress. Those two being the biggest contributors of sleep related problems.

Try out these and tell us what you think  and your experiences.


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Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Countless studies have shown the seemingly countless benefits of fruits for a person’s health. The U.S. Government recommends that people get some servings of fruits every day. Of all the fruits ready in the shop today, one fruit is at its height of popularity because of its legendary Greek mythology connection and its exoticism-the pomegranate fruit.

Considered as one of the earliest fruits that have been cultivated along with grapes, figs, olives, and dates somewhere between 4000 B. C. E and 3000 B. C. E., pomegranate prolonged to be an emblem of fertility, rebirth, and health.

Dubbed as a “miracle fruit” by some fans, pomegranate has earned its popularity because it is thought to perhaps help maintain the body’s natural defenses against Alzheimer’s disease, assorted cancers, coronary and heart diseases, arthritis and many ailments an aging man experiences. Because of its so -called anti-aging possibilities, pomegranate has had some food and beverage variations from juices, ice creams, dishes, and even in water that come in bottles.

Why is pomegranate good for you?

  • It is a rich source of assorted vitamins. Pomegranate is a good, natural source of vitamins A, C and E as well as folic acid.• The antioxidants are thought to help maintain the immune system.
  • It may help maintain healthy blood flow because of its iron properties. Pomegranate supports the blood by supplying it with iron, thus may help prevent anemia symptoms that include exhaustion, dizziness, weakness, and hear loss.
  • Aside from having lots of anti-oxidants, pomegranate also might have some anti-viral properties.
  • Pomegranate juice and citation is thought by some women to help in overcoming the feeling of normal malaise while menopause.
  • It may help sell out the risk of having a heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes
  • ‘Viagra effect’ from a daily glass of pomegranate juice as study shows it boosts sexual desire. It is natural & no side effects.

Benefits for Men:

Research has shown that pomegranate juice benefits men by acting as nature’s Viagra. A 2005 study on the long term effects of pomegranate juice intake on erectile dysfunction in animals showed that erectile dysfunction is closely linked to free radicals. Pomegranate juice, being so high in free radical fighting antioxidants, can help fight erectile dysfunction as well.
Not only that, but you might recall that another health benefit of pomegranate juice is it’s ability to help induce cancer cells to self-destruct. Studies have shown that a glass a day of pomegranate juice can slow the growth of prostate cancer.

Benefits for Women

Pomegranate juice can benefit pregnant women. It’s a rich source of many vitamins and minerals including folic acid, which is a vital component of any prenatal diet. The anti-inflammatory benefits of pomegranate juice also help keep a healthy blood flow to the developing baby. The potassium in pomegranate juice can also help with the leg cramps that many pregnant women experience, especially at night.
In the same way that pomegranate juice helps protect against prostate cancer, research has shown pomegranate juice to inhibit the growth of estrogen-responsive breast cancer cells.

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Health Benefits of Bitter Melon

Health Benefits of Bitter Melon

Health Benefits of Bitter Melon

Bitter Melon Is a Safe and Effective Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes: The bitter gourd (Bitter Melon) is regarded as the best remedy for diabetes. Drinking at least one tablespoon of bitter gourd juice daily will reduce blood sugar levels inyour blood and urine. Having bitter gourd cooked in ghee for a period of three months will bring the diabetes down by a significant amount.

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Six Herbal Supplements that Reduce Cholesterol

Six Herbal Supplements that Reduce Cholesterol

Six Herbal Supplements that Reduce Cholesterol

Cholesterol comes in two forms, good (HDL) cholesterol and bad (LDL) cholesterol.  When you have a high bad cholesterol count and a low good cholesterol count, it can put you at risk of developing heart disease.  Bad cholesterol flows through the blood stream and can attach to the inside of arteries and cause plaque build-up.  This can eventually lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and blocked arteries that can lead to heart attack or stroke.  Plaque can also break off and block an artery, resulting in a stroke.

High bad cholesterol can usually be controlled through a healthy diet, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight.  Medication is sometimes used for those who cannot lower their cholesterol through other means.  Herbal supplements can also be effective in lowering cholesterol.  Here is a list of herbal supplements that can be used to lower cholesterol.

Alfalfa – Studies have shown that alfalfa supplements block the absorption of bad cholesterol and prevent the build-up of plaque.  The chemicals and fiber in alfalfa stick to bad cholesterol in the bloodstream and stop it from attaching to artery walls.  The recommended dose of alfalfa is 40 milligrams a day of alfalfa seeds or 1 gram, 3 times a day of alfalfa capsules.  Alfalfa should not be taken in amounts over 80 grams per day as it can damage red blood cells.  People with lupus are advised not to take alfalfa supplements.

Garlic – Garlic has been used for centuries to treat various ailments and is recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.  It keeps cholesterol in balance by lowering bad cholesterol while elevating good cholesterol which is important for flushing away the bad cholesterol.  Garlic also prevents clotting and reduces plaque in the arteries.  To lower cholesterol, the recommended dose is 600 to 900 milligrams of garlic supplements each day.  You can also benefit from eating fresh garlic by ingesting 4 grams per day.  However, don’t overdo the garlic. Chronic overuse of garlic supplements can damage red blood cells and also cause hyperthyroidism (underactive thyroid).

Hawthorn – The leaf and flower of the hawthorn plant have long been used to prevent heart failure, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, inflammation of the blood vessels and to dilate blood vessels to allow the flow of blood to the heart.  It can also prevent irregular heartbeat.  Cholesterol is lowered due to the treatment of the inflammation in the blood vessels.  Hawthorn berry is widely used to treat these ailments also, although it has not been proven to work as effectively as the flower and leaf of the plant has.  Dosage of hawthorn should be discussed with you doctor or a registered herbalist.  Overdose of this supplement can cause extremely low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and sedation.

Evening Primrose Oil – Evening primrose oil is used for many illnesses and is effective in lowering bad cholesterol and high blood pressure.  The active ingredient in evening primrose oil is gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an important fatty acid which helps to produce prostaglandins (PFE1).  PFE1 fights against inflammation and helps in preventing blood clots and high cholesterol.  This herbal supplement should not be taken by people who are prone to seizers or who are taking a medication for depression or schizophrenia.  The recommended dose for adults is 6 to 8 grams per day.

Green Tea – Green tea has been used for centuries to prevent and treat many illnesses including heart disease.  According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, clinical studies have shown that the antioxidant properties in green tea can help prevent atherosclerosis and can lower bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol.  Because green tea works as a diuretic, it is also beneficial for lowering blood pressure.  The recommended dose is 1-2 tablets a day or 1-3 cups of green tea a day.  Drinking milk can lower the antioxidant effectiveness of green tea.  The caffeine in green tea can cause high blood pressure, anxiety and heart palpitations if used in excess.  There are decaffeinated green tea supplements and tea for people who should not have caffeine.

Glucomannan – In clinical trials, glucomannan has shown it is effective in lowering bad cholesterol as well as lowering triglyceride levels and helping people lose weight.  The recommended dose to lower cholesterol is 3.9 grams a day for 4 weeks, then stop for two weeks and resume for another four weeks.  Side-effects include diarrhea, intestinal gas, loose stools, blockage of the esophagus and lower digestive tract and low blood sugar.  People who are already taking a medication for cholesterol should not take glucomannan.

You should have your cholesterol levels checked once every 2 years and more often if you are at risk of developing heart disease.  Talk to your doctor about ways to lower cholesterol if your levels are high and discuss the use of herbal supplements before using them.  Herbal supplements can be a safe, effective way to lower cholesterol if used responsibly.

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